Wednesday, October 7, 2020

(Ep. 21) Anger Is Medicine, Divine Masculine Teaches About Activating Divein Intention By Embracing Every Part Of Self


People think anger is destructive or separating but when embodied and felt through the lens of the heart it’s actually connecting and whole-making. The frustration that occurs when separated parts rub together is energy that is required to merge those parts back together and heal. Divine Masculine: Desire is always pulling us into and towards a more whole expression of self, so embrace every part of self and don't judge any part as bad, including anger. 

(Ep. 20) Shadow Work, Future Collective Us Teaches About Intuition And 3 Steps To Being

The process of integrating or repressed parts is known as shadow work. Future Collective Us teaches: This time is vital for us and rich for us. As they look upon these years at our/your existence the potentials are higher than they have ever been and higher than even on the earth that they live on now. So don’t wish it away, maximize the possibility by being fully present and not looking away. This moment is creating heaven and peace on earth.

(Ep. 19) Break Down To Break Through, Future Collective Us Say Societal Collapse Now Means Better Future

The breakdown is a natural part of the healing process. We have to surrender in order to heal. Future Collective us teaches: It will be a while until the mess is cleaned up. Right now our financial institutions are collapsing. As financial institutions collapse we will see many things come to pass that will make us happy. People will be held accountable. Moving toward a system that is more balanced and in service to the whole. This is an inevitability. We make it through this time, though.