Wednesday, June 3, 2020

(Ep. 10) We Discuss Bigfoot & The Holy Spirit Activates A Certain Layer Of Consciousness During A 15 Year Period We're In

Gale and Dr. Jay have a fun time talking about Bigfoot and other dimensional beings. Then Gale channels a layer of consciousness similar to the Holy Spirit who explains that it has 3 purposes during this period of time that we're in that will last 10 to 15 years.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

(Ep. 9) We Talk About Our Rural Upbringing And Earth Tells Us How Our Separation From Earth Causes Her Pain, Coronavirus Not Created By Earth

Gale and Dr. Jay talk about their upbringing in rural America and what that upbringing was like. Later we speak to Earth and Earth tells us how She is pained by how we are separate from her. Earth says She knew what she was getting into when she signed onto this. Interestingly, She says coronavirus was not created by Her.

(Ep. 8) We Talk About Awakening Experiences Before The Overseers Enlighten Us On The Dual Nature Of The Earth And The Four Types Of Awakening

In this episode Dr. Jay and Gale discuss they're respective awakening experiences, having both grown up in rural America and ended up experiencing things of a spiritual nature that would change the trajectory of their lives. The Overseers take over and discuss the dual nature of the planet we live on and how that duality shows up everywhere in life. The Overseers also give us a mini-seminar on the 4 Types Of Awakening.