Wednesday, October 7, 2020

(Ep. 21) Anger Is Medicine, Divine Masculine Teaches About Activating Divein Intention By Embracing Every Part Of Self


People think anger is destructive or separating but when embodied and felt through the lens of the heart it’s actually connecting and whole-making. The frustration that occurs when separated parts rub together is energy that is required to merge those parts back together and heal. Divine Masculine: Desire is always pulling us into and towards a more whole expression of self, so embrace every part of self and don't judge any part as bad, including anger. 

(Ep. 20) Shadow Work, Future Collective Us Teaches About Intuition And 3 Steps To Being

The process of integrating or repressed parts is known as shadow work. Future Collective Us teaches: This time is vital for us and rich for us. As they look upon these years at our/your existence the potentials are higher than they have ever been and higher than even on the earth that they live on now. So don’t wish it away, maximize the possibility by being fully present and not looking away. This moment is creating heaven and peace on earth.

(Ep. 19) Break Down To Break Through, Future Collective Us Say Societal Collapse Now Means Better Future

The breakdown is a natural part of the healing process. We have to surrender in order to heal. Future Collective us teaches: It will be a while until the mess is cleaned up. Right now our financial institutions are collapsing. As financial institutions collapse we will see many things come to pass that will make us happy. People will be held accountable. Moving toward a system that is more balanced and in service to the whole. This is an inevitability. We make it through this time, though.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

(Ep. 18) To Be Rght Or Be Happy, Garheloseph Talks About Balancing Of Divine Masculine And Divine Feminine

 In this episode we talk about the foundation of our happiness, the separation that gets created when we try to maintain our rightness against other and the internal separation that that represents. Garheloseph talks about the return of the divine masculine and the balancing of masculine and feminine in our world right now. 

(Ep. 17) Racism, Vaccines, Garheloseph Talks About Quantum Disease

The power of the mind is vitally important during this time. What we believe we conceive. We are at a point where there are essentially two types of people who are emerging in our society. Those who draw their power from within, and those who rely on the power of others. Where a person stands on this spectrum is directly reflected in how they conceive of a solution to the Covid Situation.

(Ep. 16) Mask Wearers Vs. Non-Mask Wearers, Garheloseph Talks About How To Follow What Lights You Up

This hotly debated topic is on the minds, mouths and fingertips of so many people during this challenging time. With so much information coming forward and so much finger pointing during this time, it’s hard to know what to trust and not to trust. What is the solution that will really work for everyone? We delve into this hot topic along with a handful of others in this edition of New Consciousness now.

(Ep. 15) Save The Children, Garheloseph Talks About Rise And Fall Of Society Over Next Five Years

 In this episode we delve into the darker elements that are taking place in the world of human trafficking. Many conspiracy theories, arrests and accusations are taking place right now in regards to the millions of children who go missing every year. We talk about some of the current events going on with these disturbing events and look at them from a number of different perspectives.

(Ep. 14) Victim Blaming Vs. Victim Empowering, Garheloseph Talks About Pain Vs. Suffering

 In this episode we discuss current events, vaccines and an underlying consciousness that is within humanity which being a victim has become the norm. We talk about what creates dis-empowerment, how to regain our power and how that is playing out in our current world events.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

(Ep. 13) We Discuss God And The Devil, Lizard King: Everything Is Aware, In Fact A Rock Is More Aware Than We Are

Gale And Jay talk about their experience of religion and what they've come to understand about God and the Devil. The Lizard king gives us a biology lesson and a lesson on Awareness. Everything on the Planet, including rocks, is aware, and in some ways more aware than we are.

(Ep. 12) We Discuss Racism, Lizard King: Coming Into Relationship With Our Own Disowned Parts

In this episode Dr. Jay and Gale talk about racism and their experience growing up in relationship to minority people's. Then the Lizard King talks about how it's all about us coming into relationship with our own disowned parts.

(Ep. 11) We Discuss BLM And Antifa, Lizard King: Separation Is The Real Sickness

In this episode Gale and Jay discuss current events which includes conversations on BLM and Antifa. Then the Lizard King talks about how separation within ourselves is the real source of sickness.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

(Ep. 10) We Discuss Bigfoot & The Holy Spirit Activates A Certain Layer Of Consciousness During A 15 Year Period We're In

Gale and Dr. Jay have a fun time talking about Bigfoot and other dimensional beings. Then Gale channels a layer of consciousness similar to the Holy Spirit who explains that it has 3 purposes during this period of time that we're in that will last 10 to 15 years.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

(Ep. 9) We Talk About Our Rural Upbringing And Earth Tells Us How Our Separation From Earth Causes Her Pain, Coronavirus Not Created By Earth

Gale and Dr. Jay talk about their upbringing in rural America and what that upbringing was like. Later we speak to Earth and Earth tells us how She is pained by how we are separate from her. Earth says She knew what she was getting into when she signed onto this. Interestingly, She says coronavirus was not created by Her.

(Ep. 8) We Talk About Awakening Experiences Before The Overseers Enlighten Us On The Dual Nature Of The Earth And The Four Types Of Awakening

In this episode Dr. Jay and Gale discuss they're respective awakening experiences, having both grown up in rural America and ended up experiencing things of a spiritual nature that would change the trajectory of their lives. The Overseers take over and discuss the dual nature of the planet we live on and how that duality shows up everywhere in life. The Overseers also give us a mini-seminar on the 4 Types Of Awakening.

Friday, May 8, 2020

(Ep. 7) We Discuss Our Respective India Experience, Collective Of Humanity: We Are Going Through A Purge, Making Life Happen Vs. Letting It Happen

In this podcast Dr. Jay and Gale share some of the crazy stories they have from when they visited India. Gale channels Collective Of Humanity and they talk about how we're going through a purge right now, similar to the way that Dr. Jay went through a purge when he got sick in India. Dr. Jay asks how to balance intention and having equanimity with what is.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

(Ep. 6) We Discuss Our Political Disinterest, Overseers: Shift In Planet, There Will Be Fewer Of Us, Education System Will Change

Gale and Dr. Jay discuss their shared disinterest in politics and people who would judge them for it. Then the Overseers discuss a shift in the frequency of the planet and the consciousness of the people on it. This shift will mean that there are fewer of us and the education system will be different.

(Ep. 5) We Discuss Flat Earth, Overseers: Empaths Struggle With Expanded Awareness, Evolution Means Loss Of Diversity, Earth Is A Sphere

In this episode we started the conversation with a discussion about flat earth. Later on the Overseers discuss empaths and their struggle for self-awareness. They also talk about how our evolution will lead to a loss of diversity. We will loose certain things but we will gain so much more. They also assure us that the Earth is a sphere.

Friday, May 1, 2020

(Ep. 4) On The Subject Of Aliens, Blue Avians & Ra Talk About How Humans Are Multi Dimensional Beings

We start the conversation off talking about aliens. Later the Blue Avians chime in briefly, revealing that we ARE aliens. Ra takes over and discusses, among other things, the multidimensional nature of humans.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

(Ep. 3) Blue Avians: Coronavirus Makes Us Get Clear On What We Want, Changes Over Next Four Years

In this episode Gale and Dr. Jay cover a lot of topics surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. Later in the podcast the Blue Avians give us some advice on what is going on in our society right now, especially concerning this coronavirus crisis. There will be some interesting things happening over the next four years. People who we thought were honest and clean will prove themselves to be dirty and vice versa.

Friday, April 17, 2020

(Ep. 2) Humanity Is Being Re-Conditioned To Follow Our Individual And Collective Soul Purposes

The days of following the status quo are coming to an end. As we go through the things we're going through we are being re-conditioned to connect into the spark of passion that is lit by our soul's purpose.

(Ep. 1) Crises (Such As Coronavirus) Give Us Something To Bounce Our Consciousness Off Of And Advances Consciousness

This coronavirus thing has forced us to stop and pay closer attention. On a larger scale that's what any crisis is designed to do. This is the Universe's machine for advancing consciousness. We're being squeezed. It's not comfortable but that's the birthing pains that humanity is going through as we become something different.